Discussing Ramen for Everyone by Patricia Tanumihardja, Illustrated by Shiho Pate and The Gray by Chris Baron.
Meet us under a shade tree in Grant Park (just north of the playground). Bring your own chair or blanket to sit on, and food or drink if you wish.
We'll open with the picture book discussion and then move on to the middle grade book. We will also announce the book selection for the next (virtual) meeting.
We'll be alternating between in-person and virtual book club meetings throughout 2023.
Park address: 232 South Michigan Avenue Pasadena, CA 91106. Street parking is available around the park.
You may RSVP on Facebook or Eventbrite (recommended, but not required to attend)
Books are available at our Bookshop link https://bookshop.org/shop/clcsc
at your local library, and wherever books are sold.
If you have questions, please email bookclub@childrensliteraturecouncil.org instead of messaging us on Facebook. Thank you!