About Us
Dorothy C. McKenzie
Council History
The organization was founded in 1961 by Dorothy C. McKenzie and others dedicated to the celebration of literature for children and teens in the Southern California area. A 21-member Board of Directors with 7 officers coordinates and plans the activities for the organization.
The Council educates its members through many events and activities. The Spring Workshop provides practical information to those who work directly with young people and literature. Through publicity, the Council supports the activities of other organizations involved with literature for children and young adults.
The Council also recognizes the works of Southern California authors and illustrators in categories that reflect the most outstanding books published the previous year. These awards are presented at the annual Fall Gala which features a reception honoring Southern California authors and illustrators of books for children and young adults as well as a distinguished speaker.
The Sampler, a newsletter published by the Council, kept readers updated on events, trends, and issues in children's and young adult literature. The Council also publishes a Membership Directory each year for its members.
Dorothy C. McKenzie, 1961
The original name of the organization was The Southern California Council on Children's Literature. In 1964, the organization changed its name to Southern California Council on Literature for Children and Young People (SCCLCYP).
In 2000, the Council's name was changed again to The Children's Literature Council Of Southern California (CLCSC).
The name may be new, but the goals of the organization remain true to the ideas of the founders, who met on March 7, 1961 to form the Council.
Dorothy C. McKenzie was the catalyst.
Dorothy met with nine fellow faculty and staff members of the California State College at Los Angeles and with invited representatives of libraries, schools, booksellers, and the Los Angeles Times. Their purpose was to promote greater interest in literature for children and young people and to help in developing standards of excellence in the field.
The Council remains committed to these goals of advancing children's and young adult literature. Remarkably, just a few months after the founding meeting, the Council hosted an all day event, an author workshop called "Afternoon with the Authors," followed by the First Annual Awards Banquet. Leonard Wibberly, noted author, was the featured speaker. Robert Kirsch, Los Angeles Times Book Editor, introduced the honorees, guests, and speakers.
Highlights from the years
compiled by Council Historian Renny Day and Webmaster Pamela Greene
The First Annual Southern Caifornia Children's Literature Awards Banquet was held at Los Angeles State College on Saturday, November 18, 1961.
The main speaker at the event was Leonard Wibberley who said,
"No scheme more calculated to drive children away from reading and books could be contrived by the devil himself than the modern 'preachment' book. To call such books 'educational' is an outrage crying aloud for vengeance. What is educational about a book so thin in its characterizations, so stilted in its prose, and so contrived in its plotting that the young reader goes to it as to a penance?"
The banquet was preceded by "An Afternoon with the Authors" which was held in seminar and conference rooms at the college.
The following authors and illustrators participated in the day-long event: Terry Shannon, Charles Payzant, Mabel Rice, Shirley Sargent, Louise Scott, Elsa Falk, Florence Rowland, Jane Carlson, Edmund Lindop, Jr., Clyde Robert Bulla, Robert Willis, Elizabeth Cooper, Harriet Huntington, Robert Richardson, Lorenz Graham, Jan and Bob Young, Paul and Beryl Scott, Delos and Maude Lovelace, Dorothy Lyons, Virginia Newell, Myra Berry Brown, Helen Hoke Watts, Scott O'Dell, Margot Benary-Isbert, Margaret Leighton, Conrad and Mary Buff, Lucille and Holling C. Holling, Irene and W.W. Robinson, Harlan Thompson, Shirley Arora, Eleanor Cameron, Leo Politi, and Don Freeman.
Blanche Campbell presents Scott O'Dell the award "A Notable Book Published in 1960" for his book, Island of the Blue Dolphins.
Don Freeman displays his illustration from his book, Come Again, Pelican during the "Afternoon with the Authors" at Los Angeles State College.
Leo Politi accepts an award for "A Significant Contribution in the Field of Illustration" from Dorothy C. McKenzie.
College Librarian William Eshelman and authors Taro Yoshima and Leonard Wibberley
Clyde Robert Bulla
700 people attend the Second Banquet and hear special guest Upton Sinclair recite poetry and describe his first poem, "The Pin," written at age five.
The Distinguished Contribution to the Field of Children's Literature Award (now named after Dorothy C. McKenzie) is presented to Clyde Robert Bulla.
Dorothy C. McKenzie receives the Distinguished Contribution Award, prompting the Los Angeles Times columnist Ed Ainsworth to write, "she reminds you of a Halley's comet for sparkle and energy and the ability to focus on a trajectory..."
The Sampler (Newsletter) is founded. Clyde Robert Bulla is first editor.
New name is adopted..."and young people” is added to give a complete picture of the Council's sphere of interest. The organization is now known as Southern California Council on Literature for Children and Young People (SCCLCYP—pronounced, "Schlip").
Board Member Peggy Miller organizes book exhibit: "Expanding Universe of Childhood," at the reception for the Fourth Annual Awards Banquet.
The Council sponsors a "Festival of Graphic Arts" on May 1, 1965 at UCLA. More than 400 hear Frances Clarke Sayers, Donnarae McCann, Olga Richard, and Taro Yashima.
Authors Eleanor Cameron and Leonard Wibberley were honored at the Council's 5th Annual Awards program and banquet at California State College at Los Angeles.
The Council co-sponsors with UCLA a conference on "The Computer, the Child, and Literature," featuring UCLA's Library School Professor Robert Hayes and Children's Literature Professor Jerome Cushman. It addresses the impact of computers and automation on a child's view of himself in society.
Spring Conference on "Poetry, Storytelling, and Reading Aloud."
The Sampler goes quarterly and has photos for the first time.
Nettie Frishman is The Sampler editor, and introduces the popular "Wet Print" column which lists all recently published books by local authors and illustrators.
The Tenth Annual Awards Banquet features the author and Executive Director of Children's Book Council, John Donovan, as guest speaker. Topic: "Books Have Rights, Too!"
Nettie Frishman, tireless and creative The Sampler editor, presents a new feature, "An Author Speaks." Patricia Beatty's inaugural column is followed by popular local author, Theodore Taylor, who writes, "I try very hard not to write 'for children.' Instead, I attempt to put the story down with as much truth as possible."
Frances Clarke Sayers was the keynote speaker for the Council's 11th Annual Awards Banquet at the Huntington Sheraton in Pasadena, California. As quoted in the Pasadena Union (November, 1971):
"I weep about the new realism in books for children. We have been brutalized by a plethora of the ugly things of life on television and elsewhere. It is inescapable. We have too much conflict, too many gadgets, too much emphasis on success rather than on triumph—there is a difference, you know. I fear the new frankness in books for children is a great betrayal of their interest in true art.... A child has a right to look at the world with wonder. The young must have the right to think of the triumph of the human spirit. The children already know about the rough things. I please with you to write for children with this in mind and to stand by the old truths in this terrible time."
Frances Clarke Sayers
SCCLCYP sponsors a talk by Dr. Walter Scherf, Director of International Youth Library, Munich. His topic: "Political Problems in Children's Literature."
Scott O'Dell, the first Annual Award winner, receives the Hans Christian Andersen prize, and reprises his speech from his triumph in Nice at the 12th Annual Awards Banquet.
Jean Kokinos (San Diego Public Library) is the new editor for The Sampler, and publishes an article about public libraries that are experimenting with integrated non-fiction collections.
Richard Bamberger, Director of International Institute for Children's Literature and Reading Research (Vienna), and editor of Bookbird, speaks on "Trends in Children's Literature, an International Point of View" at the Spring Workshop.
Betty Kalagian receives Distinguished Contribution to the Field of Children's Literature for her work on "Expectations," an anthology for blind children, now in its 25th year.
SCCLCYP celebrated Theodor Geisel's (Dr. Seuss) 70th birthday by giving him an award for "A Special Contribution to Children's Literature."
SCCLCYP co-sponsors the 7th Annual May Hill Arbuthnot Lecture featuring Jean Fritz, an appropriate choice for this Bicentennial year.
New editor of The Sampler, Priscilla Moxom, celebrates our 15th Anniversary by publishing statistics on membership: from 25 charter members to 550 this year. The report includes a breakdown by professional and geographic areas.
Dues were raised, for the first time...from $3.00 to $6.00 annually.
The award for Distinguished Contribution to the Field of Children's Literature is renamed the Dorothy C. McKenzie Award in recognition of her guidance and inspiration to SCCLCYP. Dorothy does the honors herself, and lauds the work of Helen Fuller of Long Beach.
Winnie Ragsdale, editor of The Sampler, reports that SCCLCYP has received nonprofit corporation status, and the By-Laws and Standing Rules have been revised.
The SCCLCYP Awards Brunch costs $9.00 for members and $10.00 for non-members.
SCCLCYP announces that it will continue its long-established policy of not disclosing addresses or phone numbers of its author/illustrator members for the purpose of asking them to be speakers. Readers are advised to contact publishers.
The Spring Workshop theme is: "Welcome to Our Shore: How to Provide a Cultural Exchange with Children and Young People from Southeast Asia."
At the close of the decade, SCCLCYYP had 446 members.
SCCLCYP lifts its voice:
President Carolyn Johnson writes to Shirley Hufstedler, Secretary of Education, urging that the Department advocate adequate funding for libraries and professional librarians in the nation's school districts.
A letter is sent to Daniel Moynihan (NY) endorsing his bill to reverse the effect of the Supreme Court's Thor Decision which will affect publisher's inventories.
The board promotes speech of new State Librarian Gary Strong about CLA sponsored survey of children's services in California.
The Sampler publishes "How to Create a Memorable School Event," by Doris Hanson, Long Beach Public Library, and Penny Markey, Los Angeles County Public Library.
Dorothy C. McKenzie, founder of SCCLCYP, is eulogized for her dedication to the field of children's literature. A scholarship fund has been named in her honor at Cal State Los Angeles where she taught until her death on October 31, 1981.
ALA comes to Los Angeles, and SCCLCYP puts out the welcome mat by hosting a coffee break for the Association of Library Services to Children at the Bonaventure on Sunday, June 26, 1983. On Monday, June 27, 1983, there is a gala reception in the Children's Literature Department of Los Angeles Public Library for publishers of children's books and award-winning authors and illustrators.
Jim Trelease, author of The Read Aloud Handbook, is the featured speaker at the Spring Workshop, and cautions his audience that the dire predictions of George Orwell's novel, 1984, may come true if parents do not improve children's literacy by reading to them.
Winnie Ragsdale concludes her long and much appreciated stint as The Sampler editor and receives the Dorothy C. McKenzie Award for her many accomplishments in the field of children's literature.
The Sampler editor, Shirley Woods, inaugurates the "My Opinion" column, in which author Sue Alexander urges members to write to the local media. "Write in praise, write in anger—but do write. Silence is not golden, or in this case, even gilt. Silence breeds... indifference."
For the first time, SCCLCYP Award winners are announced in The Sampler prior to the awards luncheon. Until this date, the names of the honorees were a well-kept secret.
Sid Fleischman wins the Newbery Award, and is feted by SCCLCYP.
The Sampler editor Barbara Karlin publishes a new membership survey—over 500 members.
The Sampler editor Renny Day praises Nettie Frishman for her meticulous and thorough work during her 20 years as "Wet Print" editor.
SCCLCYP Logo, 1991
SCCLCYP launches a new logo, depicting eager children flying on a book. Kudos to Sonia Anderson and her committee. Designed by Matt Wuerker, it replaces the stylized tree which first appeared on The Sampler in 1968.
Still the activist for books and reading, SCCLCYP urges members to write their legislators to support a bill to prevent further cuts in library funding. Tight budgets have reduced hours and forced branch closures in many Southern California libraries.
The Sampler sports a new look as the Board decides to have the publication professionally printed three times a year. The premier issue contains a questionnaire about future directions for the publication, and the announcement that each Summer issue will be devoted to topical or issue-oriented essays, says editor Carolyn Fleming of Glendale Public Library.
SCCLCYP establishes a new Poetry Award in honor of founding member Myra Cohn Livingston, who died in August, 1996. The Sampler editors Sylvia Anderle and Eva Mitnick report that the Spring Workshop on Poetry will present a panel of published poets from Myra's master class, and that Poetry will be the theme of the Summer issue of The Sampler.
We faced the new century with a new name, Children's Literature Council of Southern California, but with the same commitment to the goals first established in 1961: to promote greater interest in literature for children, and to help in developing standards of excellence in the field. We use the same tried and true tools, such a reporting children's literature news in The Sampler, a Spring Workshop to increase knowledge and skills, and annual awards to honor the creativity of local authors and illustrators. We have added a membership roster so that members can contact each other for effective networking, and in a nod to 21st Century technology, the newsletter includes an occasional column on websites of interest to our members.
The Spring Workshop topic was "Visual Literacy: Looking at Children's Book Illustration" and featured keynote speaker Michael Cart. The event was held at the UCLA Hammer Museum in Westwood and also featured guest speakers, illustrators Marla Frazee and Joe Cepeda, and the Director of Education at the Hammer Museum, Linda Duke.
The Sampler (Summer edition) included articles about "The Art of Picture Books" by Kathleen T. Horning, Linda Zuckerman, Don Wood, Deborah Nourse Lattimore, and Janie Schomberg.
Children's book author and illustrator Thacher Hurd was the keynote speaker at the 2001 Fall Gala which was held at the Huntington Library on October 20, 2001. Book Awards were presented to Robin Preiss Glasser, Pam Munoz Ryan, Susan Goldman Rubin, and Kadir Nelson. Former Los Angeles Public Library Senior Librarian Renny Day was awarded the Dorothy C. McKenzie Award for her contributions to the field of children's literature.
The Children's Literature Council of Southern California gets its own website! Board and Committee members Judy Kantor, Sue Alexander, Anne Connor, and Pamela Greene plan, organize and prepare content for www.childrensliteraturecouncil.org. After a first launching, the website was redesigned by board member Pamela Greene, who took over the responsibilities as webmaster for the site. The website contains information on all events and a bulletin board for local activities.
The Spring Workshop featured Leonard S. Marcus, Susan Patron, and Marilyn Robertson talking about "The Business of Books: the Marketing and Reviewing of Books for Children and Teens." The event was held on March 23, 2002, at the Glendale Public Library.
The summer edition of The Sampler featured articles about "Evaluating and Honoring Children's Books" with guest writers Trev Jones (School Library Journal), Eva Mitnick (LAPL), Lisa Falk (LAPL), Anne Connor (LAPL), Michael Cart, Nina Lindsay (Oakland Public Library), Susan Patron (LAPL), Brian J. Heinz, and Meg Flanders.
The Fall Gala featured keynote speaker Allen Say. Book Awards were given to Sue Alexander, Jean Ferris, Pam Munoz Ryan, Joe Cepeda, and Kristine O'Connell George. Charlotte Huck was presented with the 2002 Dorothy C. McKenzie Award for her distinguished contribution to the field of children's literature.
The Spring Workshop featured Dr. Eliza T. Dresang addressing the topic of "Radical Change: Narrative Non-Fiction for Youth." Her presentation at Cerritos Public Library included a discussion of creative non-fiction books for youth and examples of innovative books that reflect influences from the digital world. Author Kathleen Krull and illustrator Kathryn Hewitt discussed their collaboration on the Lives Of… series published by Harcourt. Author Nancy Smiler Levinson spoke about her research and writing of non-fiction independent readers.
The Fall Gala was held at the Huntington Library and featured author Nancy Farmer as the keynote speaker. Ms. Farmer was the 2002 receipient of the Newbery Award, the Printz Award, and the National Book Award. Book Awards were given to Nikki Grimes, Ron Koertge, David Shannon, and April Halprin Wayland. Lin Oliver and Stephen Mooser were honored with the Dorothy C. McKenzie Award for their work with the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators.
The Spring Workshop "Breaking Through: Latinos and Literature for Youth" was held on April 17, 2004 at Cerritos Public Library and featured Francisco Jimenez of Santa Clara University, author of The Circuit: Stories from the Life of a Migrant Child, and its sequel, Breaking Through. He is also the author of two picture books: The Christmas Gift and The Butterfly. All of his stories are drawn from his experiences as a Mexican American migrant child living in central California in the 1950's and 1960s. Illustrator Simon Silva talked about his creative process and shared slides of his artwork. In addition, Children's book author and Children's Literature Council member, Tony Johnston lived in Mexico for 15 years and was commissioned by the Mexican government to write several stories in Spanish while living there. She shared how her travels and experiences in Mexico are reflected in The Ancestors are Singing, Isabel's House of Butterflies, Any Small Goodness and The Iguana Brothers.
The 2004 Fall Gala was held at Descanso Gardens in La Cañada and featured science author Vicki Cobb.
The 2005 Spring Workshop was held at the Petersen Automotive Museum near Los Angeles Museum of Art in Los Angeles. Librarian Michael Sullivan from New Hampshire spoke about "Connecting Boys and Books."
The 2005 Fall Gala featured Jerry Pinkney and his wife, Gloria Pinkney who spoke before a large crowd gathered at The Huntington Library in San Marino.
Dr. Isabel Schon is awarded the Dorothy C. McKenzie Award for "Distinguished Service in the Field of Children's Literature" by CLC President, Melinda Steep (Yorba Linda Public Library).
Jerry and Gloria Pinkney
Dr. Isabel Schon and Melinda Steep (Yorba Linda Public Library)